
PyNVMe3 QLC Client SSD Certification

Last Modified: August 1, 2024

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Over 5 years of collaboration with the industry, PyNVMe3 has developed a comprehensive SSD test script library and an automated testing platform that addresses the performance and endurance challenges of QLC SSDs. Through rigorous testing across various fill levels and aging conditions, PyNVMe3 identifies potential issues and provides independent, reliable third-party certification to help manufacturers improve their products.

  1. Comprehensive Test Library: PyNVMe3, through extensive collaboration with industry vendors, has built a robust SSD test script library covering protocol, performance, functionality, reliability, endurance, and data retention.
  2. Exposing QLC Challenges: We understand the performance and endurance challenges of QLC SSDs, particularly focusing on how SLC Cache, while boosting initial performance, accelerates QLC wear.
  3. In-Depth Performance Testing: PyNVMe3 conducts rigorous tests on QLC SSDs across various fill levels and aging conditions, identifying potential functional and performance issues under different usage scenarios.
  4. Automated Testing Processes: Using Python scripts and test fixtures, PyNVMe3 ensures a consistent and fully automated testing environment, delivering reliable and comparable results.
  5. Independent Certification: PyNVMe3 offers comprehensive and independent third-party assessments of QLC SSDs, helping manufacturers identify and address potential issues early.

We have over 1,000 test cases divided into the following four test phases. For each test request, two SSDs per capacity need to complete all the following phases. We will provide test results for TP1 and TP2 within one week and a complete report within four months.

Test Phase Description Duration Platform
TP1 Protocol Tests: Protocol compliance covering NVMe, PCIe, TCG, MI, and more. 2 hours Laptop[1]
TP2 Benchmark Tests: Performance and stress tests on power state transitions, I/O, and power cycling. 20 hours Laptop
TP3 Endurance Tests: Consumes the entire SSD’s TBW across 3 stages, with performance, stress, and reliability tests interspersed throughout. 1-2 months Server[2]
TP4 Retention Tests: Conducted after TP3, assessing data reliability after a long period of inactivity at room temperature. 1 hour (after 2-month power-off period) Server

  1. Laptop Testing Platform with Quarch PAM ↩︎
  2. Server Testing Platform ↩︎