Samsung PM9A3 2T

It is an Enterprise SSD. Its performance is stable in different conditions, and the latency is much better than Client SSD. This report is not an Enterprise SSD test report, but only show some differences between Client SSD and Enterprise SSD.

Samsung PM9A3 2T

Basic Information

PM9A3 is an enterprise SSD from Samsung, while 980Pro (a.k.a. 9A1) is its client SSD. Let’s check what’s the difference between Client SSD and Enterrpise SSD.

Model Name Firmware Version
980PRO Samsung SSD 980 PRO 1TB 5B2QGXA7


We still check their IO latency first.

Max Write Latency

10 IOPS (ms) 4K 1QD (ms) 512B 1QD 10p filled (ms) 512B 1QD 50% filled (ms) 4K mix RW 90% filled (ms)
PM9A3 0.066 0.048 0.400 0.028 7.059
980PRO 8.616 8.461 8.462 14.148 42.767

980PRO controls max latency well, but PM9A3, as the enterprise product, improves the latency to another level.


Sequential Write

10% filled (MB/s) 90% filled (MB/s) 50% trimmed (MB/s)
PM9A3 2806.896 2779.884 2806.708
980PRO 3065.800 1796.586 2938.130

980PRO has SLC cache, so its performance at FOB state is better. But when the drive is filled up, the performance drops. Enterprise PM9A3 does not use SLC cache, and it maintains the performance stable even when the drive is full filled.

Here is the speed diagram of writing empty drive for 200 seconds. Due to SLC cache and thermal throttling, 980PRO performance keeps changing, while PM9A3 is as stable as a line.


Random Write

10% filled (K IOPS) 90% filled (K IOPS) 50% trimmed (K IOPS)
PM9A3 684.982 604.416 684.971
980PRO 386.622 544.405 506.412

Same as sequentail write, the random write performance of PM9A3 is higher and stabler.


Except for read and write, Trim is also a common command in nowadays’ OS. We test its performance by trim half LBA space.

IOPS (K) Max Latency (ms) Average Latency (ms)
PM9A3 3.045 7.066 5.249
980PRO 1.676 58.529 9.535

PM9A3’s trim performance is also better on both latency and throughput.